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Sedona's Stylish Corner

Friday, October 9, 2009

It's that time of year again....

Hello everyone sorry about my long absence I was stuck between the cold and allergies. And so I am happy to say I have recovered and prepared for the worst. I got my flu shot a few days ago and have felt great ever since. Alrighty I'll keep this post short and sweet I just wanted to notify you about whats going on.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Knotted Pearl Necklace

So the other day I see my mom wearing a Knotted Pearl Necklace.
My first thought of it was... " why is she wearing that"...
And so I had to open my big mouth and say " Is that knot suppose to be there?"
Her first responce to that comment was "Yes." " Even though you may not like it Sedona some people do." And so we went our seprate ways thinking totaly diffrent
veiws about the necklace. That night when she came home from work she said
that she had gotten several compliments about the necklace through out the
day. I couldn't believe why someone would like a style like that so I did a little
research. My mom said it was a trend that she and some other girls use to wear a lot.
And yet again she was correct. I guess my big thing was that that I had learned
a lesson off of this whole incident. Even though your vewis are one thing someone
may think tottaly differnt. But its ok because where all unique in our own way.

And so I have seen my thread is kinda dead around here... So I would like to see some of your comments and what you think....

1. Have you ever followed this style?
2. What are some of your veiws about it?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Update on what I have been doing.

I am very excited to complete my fashion insperation binder I have been making.
I am posting fashion images, articles and favorite fabrics in it. Anyway I just
wanted to update you on what im currently working on :)

I will definitly take pictures of my binder when I complete it..

*** I also looked at my traffic bar and saw that I had some new visitors YAY!!!**
As you can see things like that make me really happy...

And so that is a little on my update tah tah for now :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ganguro Fashion

Ganguro appeared as a new fashion style in Japan in the early 1990s and to date is prevalent mostly among young women and women in their early 20s. In ganguro fashion, a deep tan is combined with hair dyed in shades of orange to blonde, or a silver grey known as "high bleached". Black ink is used as eye-liner and white concealer is used as lipstick and eyeshadow. False eyelashes, plastic facial gems, and pearl powder are often added to this. Platform Shoes and brightly-coloured outfits complete the ganguro look. Also typical of ganguro fashion are, Tie-dye sorongs miniskirts, stickers on the face, and lots of bracelets, rings, and necklaces.
As you can see these are not related to Gothic Lolita fashion. This fashion sense and group where
found to be the more rebellious type. And so that is a little about Ganguro fashion.

Monday, August 24, 2009

What is this Gothic lolita?

A current trend that leaves us all over wondering what is this
Gothic lolita? Well to break the ice a little bit here is a few
facts about it. Gothic lolita is a trend that is currently
going on in japan that is primarily influenced by Victorian clothing as well as costumes from the Rococo period.The Lolita look pretty much consists primarily of a knee length skirt or dress, headdress, blouse, petticoat, knee high socks or stockings and rocking horse or high heel/platform shoes. Although the origin of Lolita fashion is unclear, it is likely the movement started in the late 1970s when famous labels including Pink House, Milk and Angelic Pretty, began selling clothes that would be considered "Lolita" by today's standards. Today, Lolita fashion has grown so much in popularity that it can be found even in department stores in Japan. Today many young people wear the fashion all around the world.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Scarlett Johansson's beauty interveiw

Scarlett Johansson gave an interview to Marie Claire magazine about her beauty rituals and being the face of Dolce & Gabbana’s new makeup line.

Heres a few things she had to say:

On her fair skin tone and avoiding the sun

I come from the sunblock generation, so I’ve never been one to cover myself in oil and sit out. I do try to get a little color when I’m on vacation, but I always wear a day cream with SPF. I try not to moisturize too much in generally because I find my skin balances itself naturally.

Tips on wearing red lipstick

If you plan to be out all night or eating dinner, bring a lip pencil with you to reshape and color in your lips, then throw a gloss on top. Otherwise, if you try to reapply lipstick in a dark bathroom, the shape just gets weirder and weirder.

Welcoming you to my blog!

Hello and welcome everyone I am so excited for finaly
gettting this blog semi- started. And so please stay tuned I will
be adding many things to this blog and there will be a lot
of posts every week. And so again thank you for coming and I hope you
will continue to come :)