So the other day I see my mom wearing a Knotted Pearl Necklace.
My first thought of it was... " why is she wearing that"...
And so I had to open my big mouth and say " Is that knot suppose to be there?"
Her first responce to that comment was "Yes." " Even though you may not like it Sedona some people do." And so we went our seprate ways thinking totaly diffrent
veiws about the necklace. That night when she came home from work she said
that she had gotten several compliments about the necklace through out the
day. I couldn't believe why someone would like a style like that so I did a little
research. My mom said it was a trend that she and some other girls use to wear a lot.
And yet again she was correct. I guess my big thing was that that I had learned
a lesson off of this whole incident. Even though your vewis are one thing someone
may think tottaly differnt. But its ok because where all unique in our own way.
And so I have seen my thread is kinda dead around here... So I would like to see some of your comments and what you think....
1. Have you ever followed this style?
2. What are some of your veiws about it?
It's good to hear that you learned something from our experience. You are right, everyone has different styles and opinions. And it is always best to acknowledge them and keep our comments to ourselves if we don't agree. It's along those lines (but nothing to do with fashion), but I have always loved the quote: "One persons junk, is another person's art." It just goes to show that everyone has different views and like you said, that's what makes them unique :)